Friday, February 13, 2009

Doing the Monkey

My first Youtube starring me.

Latest Creative Endeavour

Messing around and recycling clips from Airport 1975 I came up with this. Thank you iMovie.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Breakfast Dining Music

My parents were enjoying breakfast this morning to the blaring strains of this song. All Of You thanks to the WEVR radio station. It has quite a collection of music horribleness. I don't think a new CD or record has entered the door at the station since 1988. My parents are really only tuned in to hear the obituary announcements, not really for the music, which they can ignore. The volume is on high remember. I cannot ignore the music as easily.

As for the video. If I was at this party I would sock everyone in the face and tell them to sit down and have a drink, they are flying and flitting around all over the place. Man, drive me crazy! And could someone tell the man who emerges from the pool in his speedo to please put on a beach wrap before performing peroets. Good God.