I was out in the garage today and saw that my father had repaired my mother's Longaberger basket that the handle had broken off of on the 4th of July. These baskets are handmade in a factory that resembles a large basket. Kooky, I know. They are quite expensive and are sold like Tupperware with home parties. I do appreciate the integrity of them promoting some sort of hand crafted tradition though. Then along comes my father. I just cannot believe my father's utter pedestrian old school no nonsense functionality and dogmatic common sense. I quizzed him about his approach and commented to him if he was in an art class I was teaching I would give him a B for functionality but a D for creativeness.
He got all sass mouth when I interrogated him about the aesthetics of the fix stating, 'Hell, all it's gotta do is get out of the house to the car to the church with a hotdish in it and it'll carry that weight no problem. Shit! It would carry me if I could fit in the basket!".
I don't think he thought out the stretch factor of the bungee. Geez.

at least get a cloth and elastic one.
HA! i love it!
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