When I was young my mother had a number of these types of trivets on the kitchen wall above the stove. The one I remember the most said, "The hurrier I go the behinder I get." I remember asking my mom what that meant and I distinctly remember her explaining it didn't matter how fast she moved or no matter how much housework she did, her butt just kept getting bigger. Really. That is what my mom said to me. That is how she understood it. The word hinder, as in ass, still sorta puts in me in giggle fits as it did when I was young so "behinder" was even funnier. This is the self image my mother had of herself. I have followed suit. I am not quite sure if that is what it means or not? Basically I think it means the more you do, the more there IS to do but the image on that trivet and the coy play of words easily convinced a generation of farmwives they never worked hard enough under the guise of the midwestern work ethic.
I was searching around the internet and did find a few more examples of these trivets. There is no manufacturing name on any that I have or have found. I searched the statement "The hurrier I go..." and came up with a lot of Pennsylvania Dutch or Amish connections which I have a hard time believing but I suppose in those communities a woman knows her place. Blah blah blah or ha ha ha for that matter.
My dumpster trivet above is no less offensive. I showed it to my mom when I came home and she sort of hrrumped, rolled her eyes and looked the other way like she was remembering something bad. I love the touch of the lazy hillbilly man too. They are so politically incorrect on so many levels, I must start collecting more of these as soon as possible. As we have never thrown anything away in this household I am sure I can find my mother's self image spoiling collection somewhere.
The one below I remembered was hanging in our basement stairs. Why? I guess because there was a nail in the wall. Not so degrading, just your typical barroom crassness. Har har har. The type of bar were lips are busted for lookin' funny at or to someone.
Anybody out there know the history of these bad trivets? Oh and by he way, I was thinking Trivet Misogyny would be a really good drag name.
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