I bought an old cabinet whose shelves were lined with a few pages of newspaper. The St. Paul Pioneer Press, August 31, 1950. I might read the paper more if it was this interesting. It is filled with self-help jibberish and great illustrations and ads. The Pioneer Press of late is going down the shitter. It barely exists anymore as do most newspapers I hear tell. I suppose they will go the way of 8 tracks and cassette tapes due to internet domination. Too bad. I like the tactile quality and what will you line the bird cage with, or wrap your fish and chips in or wash windows with? (
Remember: you can click on the photo to make it larger.)
Does this represent the 2 faces of Eve?

I like the quick poo pooing of suicide. Gosh, don't go there... "not completely, that might even be fatal..." like, jeepers, this is just a daily newspaper column I am writing here. I have my degree in journalism not psychology.
I really can't follow the rest of the reasoning, maybe because it is too close to home.

I would love to meet deluded people who brag about animals loving them so much. On the contrary it is usually poor souls who have too many animals because they can't love any humans and I believe that is called PETA envy.

Again I am confused about the nervous people. Who feels safer? The nervous people with the children or the children with the nervous people? The use of quotations is strange too. Good with children in quotes lends a creepy tone.

Cripes! Relax! It's just B.O. Talk about heavy handed advertising. It is sort of like any or all potlitical advertising of late.

Such a cheery ad. Good God! And it rhymes to boot! Here is a few more lines to round out the poem.
I am such a young lad
to have a dead dad,
I should be mad or sad.
but Mom has already met a new man with a groovy pad.
Sis and I think that is rad.
Is the stone leaning to the left a tad?

Hang in there people, Polio vaccine on it's way in 2 years!

Sorry about the poor quality of the picture of the picture here but the blurrinees lends itself to the state of mind of the girl involved.

I think the real story here is that poor dumpy teenage Joan was looking for a little attention on a Sunday morning after she wasn't asked to the homecoming dance. She spent her Saturday night at home with Auntie playing parcheesi. We got an old school cutter on our hands. Put the blame on Jesus. Or could she possibly have scratched her hands on some chicken wire while gathering eggs before going to the Sunday service? Maybe she was digging in Auntie's purse during the service and got ahold of her lip stick and started drawing? Who knows the mysteries of the passion that lie within the hearts of overweight teenage girls in the post war Truman era.

Thrills at the Minnesota State Fair.

Seems as if old Lydia E. Pinkham discovered what a nice sized cucumber or carrot could do for a woman. Vegetable compound indeed!
The woman's friend! And in what year did a flush become a flash? Probably has something to do with the Woman's movement.

All that style for such a low price! Take that Manolo Blahnik!
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